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Monday, November 17, 2008

Georgia Sentate Runoff Election

Georgia has been in the news quite a bit lately, due to the runoff between incumbent Senator Saxby Chambliss (R), and his opponent, Jim Martin (D). The outcome of this runoff is important nationally because if Martin wins, it puts the Democrats one seat closer to having a filibuster-proof majority in the Senate. I'm not going to get into the politics of this; instead, I bring it up because my friend Jim Wiseman, an associate professor of mathematics at Agnes Scott College, who studies the mathematics of voting and chaos theory, has written an outstanding op-ed piece in today's Atlanta Journal-Constitution about the problems with our electoral system. But it's not just about the problems - it's also about solutions, and Jim makes some excellent, reasonable suggestions that could probe beneficial to everyone who cares enough to vote. It's totally worth a read. So read it!


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Elliot you are a guy with too much time on your hands! On egood reason to vote Republican in this runoff is to insure there IS the ability for the minority to have a voice. As we have seen Nancy Pelosi is not the most open minded person who has ever led the House. When one party controls everything you get group think. This is bad. Think about that when you are standing there ready to drop your vote. I have more on this topic on my blog @ http://anamericanidiot.wordpress.com/