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Thursday, October 2, 2008

Who Won the Vice Presidential Debate?

Well, I think that answer depends on whom you're supporting for President. I think there's no doubt about my support for Obama, and I think Biden did a solid job tonight supporting Obama's policies and ripping into John McCain. I also think he did a good job of not being condescending to Sarah Palin - certainly a better job than I did. Boy, I sat back in my comfortable chair, sipping wine like the liberal that I am, and condescended both to the television set, loudly, as if yelling at a baseball player for booting a simple grounder, as well as to the ol' blog.

Yeah, I wanted her to fall on her face, and she didn't - so I think if you're a McCain supporter, you must be elated tonight that she did nothing to embarrass the ticket or the party, and came across as confident, and if you're so inclined - I'm not - likeable.

That's my incisive analysis. That's all folks!



Anonymous said...

Well thanks so much for your liberal comment. Just sit back sip your wine and scream into your tv as the Mcain and palin ticket wins on November 4.

Anonymous said...

That was not me.