Elliot Blake's Tumblr Photo Blog

Friday, October 17, 2008

Well, This is Just Frightening...

I'm all for people having differences of opinion when it comes to politics, but this is something else entirely:

Racism, ignorance, and hatred, all on display outside of a Palin rally in Pennsylvania. Is this the "kindness, goodness, and courage of everyday Americans" in the "pro-America areas of this great nation" that Governor Palin mentioned Thursday night? Just curious. I'd like to believe we can better than this as a country, and just respect each others' differences - then I'm reminded that there are people out there that just aren't interested in that line of thinking.

Shouldn't McCain and Palin be speaking out against this kind of behavior? I guess not if it serves their purposes, like the sleazy anti-Obama robo-calls they're employing, which are reinforcing the mindset demonstrated by the people in the video above. Those calls are so sleazy that even Senator Susan Collins of Maine, a Republican and co-chair of McCain's Maine campaign, has called for them to be stopped. Good for her - at least there are some Republicans out there who believe these tactics are below the belt. Unfortunately, those Republicans don't seem to be working for the McCain campaign.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thanks for posting EB - that vid is pretty scary - rock on - cdpeeler