Elliot Blake's Tumblr Photo Blog

Thursday, October 30, 2008

Political Burn-out

Well, dear readers, yesterday pretty much burned me out on political blogging. I think I mentioned this in a post last week - as a presidential election political junkie, I've had a real hard time tearing myself away from the 24 hour news cycle, and I've allowed myself to become supersaturated by the non-stop stream of cable tv news, newspaper websites, and political blogs. And after my last two posts, Governor Socialist and Comment on a Comment, I think I've argued all I can argue, and commented all I can comment in any kind of depth on this election. Anonymous and RayRay, I did reply to your comments on the Comment on a Comment post, in the comments section, so if you're interested in continuing that dialogue, please check it out - I value your comments and thanks for engaging in the discussion.

Anyway, blogging about politics was never really the aim of this blog, but this election has been so interesting and compelling and infuriating to me that I've needed an outlet to talk about what's going on - it would not have been fair of me to expect my wife Laura to be the only person to listen to me going on and on about this stuff every day. Fortunately, the internet does not roll its eyes when you start ranting (and for the record, neither does Laura, which is astounding to me and a testament to her patience), which makes it the perfect place for me to air out my world view, especially since, at the moment, I'm not going into an office every day where I can impose my opinions on my co-workers.

So what will be coming to the cleverly named Elliot Blake blog? News on personal and professional projects, more stuff about comics, and who knows what else. I'm sure I'm I'll have one or two more things to say about the election next week, and I probably won't completely give up on discussing current events, but it certainly will not be with the frequency seen this month of October. Beyond that, I'm not sure - the content is certain, however, to become more varied and eclectic, and that, I think, is a positive.

Tomorrow, for sure, I'll be posting on a new project I'm very excited about, so I hope you'll come back and take a look.



RayRay said...

Here Here, I am burned out on the politics as well. The myopic site of my political leanings, that i listen to everyday, all day certainly have a way of polarizing all thought. I am ready for a break and look forward to your new comic path. BTW what is the deal with the graphic novel or series on the Stephen King book the Stand?

Elliot Blake said...

Myopic is exactly the right way to put it - that's how I feel too. Regarding the Stand, I think Marvel is doing a monthly comic based on the book: http://www.marvel.com/comics/The_Stand