Before I get into the project updates portion of this entry, I just want to say a word about Google Analytics, which is a tool that helps you track website traffic. Using Google Analytics, I'm able to see how many hits my blog and websites get on a daily basis, where those hits are originating, and whether or not the hits came from a referring site, like
LinkedIn or
Facebook. This is just awesome, and here's an example of why: between November 4 and this morning,, the site where all my produced work lives, received 34 visits from 25 cities in 9 countries - 7 hits from 5 countries this morning alone. The bulk came from here in the U.S., but I've also received hits from the U.K., Italy, Canada, India, Spain, France, Poland, and Finland. That's right, Finland. Apparently, I am an international superstar.
So, how does this tie in to the title of this post? Well, the vast majority of those hits came from a posting I left in a discussion forum on LinkedIn, looking for an artist for a webcomic project. I'm happy to report I've found the right artist for the job, a guy named
Alexis Ziritt, who is a magazine illustrator, poster artist, storyboard guy, and a co-founder of
Calavera Comics, a small publisher specializing in stories taking place where crime fiction and the Mexican masked wrestlers known as
luchadores meet. Which is good, because my story is a piece of crime fiction that takes place, in part, in Mexico. He's got an amazing style - very European, with a touch of Paul Pope thrown in for good measure. Here's a taste:

From looking at his work, I think he's the perfect guy for the job, and I am really thrilled to have him on board. I will update you on our progress as we move forward.
In other news, I have in my hot little hands (actually, they're really not small, and it's about 65 degrees in the house, so they're not hot either) a tape containing all the interviews and b-roll shot a couple of weeks ago with Cully Hamner and the Gaijin Studios crew. I begin transcribing today. More on this as it moves forward as well.
p.s. I'm going to add some additional link content to the sidebar here on the blog, and I'll be adding a new section or two to my main website as well - one for new projects, and one to add the interview series I shot last year with Jim Lee at Wildstorm Studios. It's all on YouTube, so why not?