It's been an interesting year. It's not often that you lose a great job due to downsizing and then win awards for the work you did there, and then not find work for the next six months. But that's the position I find myself in. I could be crabby about it (and sometimes I am), but the truth of the matter is this: I'm a pretty lucky guy, and I have a lot to be thankful for this year. I'm especially thankful for all the support and encouragement I've received from my friends, my parents and siblings, and my former colleagues, many of whom are in the same boat I'm in, job-wise. I'd name names, but I'm likely to forget someone, so best to just say thanks - you know who you are.
But, first and foremost, here's what I'm most thankful for... wonderful wife Laura, and my kids, Sam and Hannah. Laura's support and encouragement have been unwavering; it's a hell of a lot easier navigating this rough patch in my career knowing that my best friend and partner believes in me and what I'm doing. And Sam and Hannah? They just make me happy.
So, Happy Thanksgiving! Go gorge yourselves on turkey. I know I'm going to.
A fine sentiment Mr. Blake - may 2009 be kinder to us all... Cheers to you my friend and have a happy one - cdpeeler
Happy Thanksgiving, Elliot. Wish I could help more. You have a beautiful family to be thankful for! tg
Great Pictures, Beautiful Family
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