Elliot Blake's Tumblr Photo Blog

Tuesday, January 20, 2009

Micro-Blogging the Inauguration

And now, presented in chronological order, my twitter posts from the inauguration. Hard to be deep in 140 characters or less:

I am just knocked out by the sheer number of people in D.C. for the inauguration. Fantastic.
I'm always amazed by the orderly transfer of power we have here in the U.S.
They just said it was 25 degrees in DC, but I wonder if all those people aren't raising the temperature. How's that for a deep thought?
I wonder if I'm going to make it through this without tearing up a little.
Here he comes! I wonder what's going through his mind right now. What a moment.
Okay, I'm watching this in my house, and felt compelled to stand up and clap. And I've already welled up a little.
I am very impressed by Aretha Franklin's hat.
It's noon. Obama is officially our new president, according to the Constitution.
That's the sound of a nation exhaling. Good luck and Godspeed, Mr. President.
Okay, the most touching thing I saw today was a little boy crying on the mall at the end of Obama's speech.
That was a fantastic speech. Our new president is the right man at the right time - he gets what needs to happen.


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