I'm sure that you've heard - despite how busy you've been with things like the transition and trying to figure out how to save our faltering economy - that your issue of Amazing Spider-Man (#583, above) has been a runaway success, and that people were lining up at comics shops all over the country to get a copy of it to celebrate your inauguration.
We all know you're a comic book fan from way back, and that you collected Spider-Man and Conan comics as a kid, so I would like to propose a new cabinet-level post in your administration: Secretary of Comic Book Affairs, for which I humbly submit...myself. I was an ardent supporter of your candidacy, I'm something of an expert on the subject of comics, and perhaps most importantly, I'm between gigs, so I'm available to start immediately after what is sure to be a smooth confirmation hearing in the Senate. No Holder hardball or Geithner back-tax brouhaha here. Elliot Blake is squeaky clean.
So here's how it would work: every Wednesday (you and I and our fellow comic book devotees know it best as "New Comics Day"), right after your morning security briefing, I will provide you with a five-minute summary of the storylines of the week's comics, alerting you to your own appearances in books like Marvel's Thunderbolts #128 (here's a glimpse)...

Secretary of Comic Book Affairs, sir. Potentially a very valuable post, and I hope you'll consider it. I await your call.
Best regards,
Elliot Blake
1 comment:
you are too funny! I think that is the perfect job for you!
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