I really thought that was an outstanding speech by President Obama (I like typing that!) - he didn't shy away from the challenges that face us, he didn't shy away from challenging us as citizens to do our part, and he also didn't shy away from reminding us of that the tone of politics of the last eight years, by necessity, needs to change, and that it will change. No more politics of fear, no more wedge politics, and most importantly - transparency. He gets it, this President. He gets it.
In other news, it seems like Chief Justice Roberts biffed the oath of office for Obama - watching coverage of the luncheon up on the Hill, I saw President Obama greet Roberts, who very clearly said, "It was my fault." I bet he feels like a bit of a jackass.
People are human and make mistakes. I felt they both messed up, as Obama jumped the gun as well. So what. It's only more partisan BS to obsess about it. Had the Chief Justice been appointed by Clinton & done that, there would have been little more than a passing mention of it.
I think you should have blogged on Aretha Franklin singing. Am I the only one who thought she was drunk. Her defense that she was cold made me laugh. I think she was warming up with Mai Tai. But she got a pass since it was inauguration day.
BTW, if you link your images to the original story you achieve a couple things. You give proper credit, reduce the chances of being served a cease and desist, and you give your readers a little bonus material that supports your topic. (I know, you don't get enough traffic to merit a C&D.)
Hi, American Idiot -
You're right about the linkage - I have gone back and added a link to the Times photo gallery. Unfortunately, I have lost the link to that exact photograph.
Regarding the mistake with the Oath, I wasn't being partisan, I was pointing out that a mistake was made by Roberts in his recitation of the oath. I'm certainly not obsessed with it; I haven't mentioned it again, but thought it was worth mentioning at the time. You're the one who's bringing up Clinton and partisanship, and, as usual when you're trying to score some kind of point here on my blog, I have no idea what you're trying to get at.
But nice to hear from you anyway.
BTW, I thought Aretha was fine, but I was mightily impressed by her hat.
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