Elliot Blake's Tumblr Photo Blog

Monday, October 20, 2008

Why You No Post, Elliot Blake?

So, you're probably thinking to yourself, "Elliot has posted so many witty and searing insights into the state of presidential election politics over the last few weeks that I've come to rely upon his blog as a way to shape my opinions - but over the last few days, he's hardly posted any witty and searing insights at all!"

And you're probably wondering, "Why you no post, Elliot Blake?"

And you could conceivably even be worrying, "Good gosh, I hope he hasn't been silenced by shadowy operatives of the Republican National Committee due to his oftentimes harsh critiques of the McCain campaign!"

Well, I'm here to tell you that you can relax - the truth is, on the weekends it practically impossible for me to post, because I have small kids. And today? Today I was thinking. Deep in thought. And I was also busy trying to organize and file away more than a year's worth of comic books. Turns out that I underestimated the quantity of comics in need of filing - I'm going to have to get another longbox. I'm up to 7 long boxes and 15 short boxes of comics now, not to mention all the collected editions on my bookshelf. It's quite possible - and the jury is still out on this - that I'm addicted. Addicted to comics. Hey... maybe that'll be my next blog... Because what the world needs now is another comics blog.

(Apologies to Dave Campbell of the blog "Dave's Longbox" for stealing his "Why you no post, Dave Campbell?" line.)

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