Elliot Blake's Tumblr Photo Blog
Monday, September 29, 2008
Memo to House Republicans Re: Bailout Vote
The GOP House leadership is now bluntly declaring what everyone who followed the story today knows: Nancy Pelosi killed the bailout bill with a blistering attack on Republicans just prior to the start of the vote. The Speaker cost millions of Americans hundreds of millions in retirement savings today because she could not resist using her position to slam her political opponents even after they had met her more than half way.
Really? The Speaker cost millions of Americans hundreds of millions in retirement savings today? I thought it was you guys, because you revolted against your party's leadership. I was watching Rachel Maddow tonight, and she brought up a very good point - you guys killed this bill because she couldn't talk nicely to you? What a bunch of pansies. To paraphrase Ms. Maddow, "Way to put your country first." I say, "Way to scapegoat!" Seriously. You all are going to have a lot of atoneing to do between now and Yom Kippur.
Best regards,
Elliot Blake
Memo to John McCain Re: Bailout Legislation
Best regards,
Elliot Blake
The End of The Daily Beard

Saturday, September 27, 2008
Adios, Butch Cassidy
I was saddened to learn that Paul Newman passed away last night. He was one of my favorite actors, and I also happened to enjoy many of his Newman's Own products. The other thing that I admired about Paul Newman was his take on life:
"“We are such spendthrifts with our lives,” Mr. Newman once told a reporter. “The trick of living is to slip on and off the planet with the least fuss you can muster. I’m not running for sainthood. I just happen to think that in life we need to be a little like the farmer, who puts back into the soil what he takes out.”"
I think he achieved just that.
Adios, Butch-
Friday, September 26, 2008
Debate Wrap-Up
What I really found interesting was the post-debate spin. I watched the debate on NBC and left it there to see what each candidate's surrogate had to say. For Obama, running mate Joe Biden appeared, and frankly, I wish Obama said a few of the things Biden said about Iraq and John McCain's judgement. For McCain, Rudy Giuliani appeared, rather than McCain's running mate Sarah Palin. Brian Williams issued a disclaimer before bringing on Giuliani, which was that NBC asked for Palin to comment post-debate, and that request was denied. I'm not sure if she's appearing on any other network - I highly doubt it - but to me, that's very telling, because bringing out Palin would have completely undermined every argument McCain made about Obama's experience and McCain's own judgment, because she has neither. Which makes her qualified to be president how, I wonder?
Tired now.
Going to sleep.
More beard tomorrow.
McCain Agrees to Debate
(drunk with power)
The Daily Beard - Day 4
And now, the beard:

Thursday, September 25, 2008
The Daily Beard - Day 3

Wednesday, September 24, 2008
Patriotic Hats
Daily Beard #3 tomorrow.
The Daily Beard - Day 2
Tuesday, September 23, 2008
The Daily Beard!

(And no, just in case you're concerned, there's nothing wrong with me.)
The Great Scott McCloud
Anyway, the highlight for me was Scott McCloud. First, he's just a really nice guy. Second, he's really, really smart, and getting to talk to someone who has thought so deeply about his art form, comics, was a treat. Scott gave a public talk last Tuesday night at Agnes Scott, called Comics: A Medium in Transition, which was essentially a distillation of two of his three seminal non-fiction works, Understanding Comics and Reinventing Comics. A "distillation" maybe doesn't sound so great, but he puts on a really brisk, interesting presentation, using Keynote (Apple's PowerPoint challenger) to present images that illustrate his points and supplement his talk. Great stuff - I'm going to have to learn how to use that. Scott's work, and his presentation of that work to a campus audience really did a lot for the acceptance of comics on the Agnes Scott campus, and it's really great to see this form that so many people love finally get a critical eye cast upon it (which has been slowly happening for about 15 years now) - because it's in looking at the medium seriously and critically that it can continue to grow and flourish, and in America anyway, move beyond the superhero comics that dominate the mainstream. (Full disclosure: I buy a ton of superhero comics, and I'm not ashamed to say it.)
Scott also illustrated the comic introducing Google's Chrome web browser, and it was interesting to hear him talk about what went into that, as well. A lot of secrecy for many months, and a great deal of research. Since the comic hit the web, there have been many hacks/remixes of it made, involving people writing new dialog for the characters, re-ordering the panels for different effect, and generally just messing around with it in photoshop (I've considered attempting a remix myself). I asked him if he had seen these appropriations of his work, and he said he had, and that furthermore, there were a lot of really great ones out there - he seemed tickled by the idea that his comic about an open-source browser was being used, in a sense, as an open source comic.
My one regret of my Scott McCloud experience was that I asked him to contribute a voice to a show I'm putting together, about comics, and he passed - mostly I think because I picked a poor time to ask him (at the end of a long day), and I didn't do a good job of explaining my show and how much time it would take to record the voiceover (about thirty seconds - it was just one line). Anyway, I certainly do not hold his passing against him, and I hope that if I can get the show off the ground that he will one day make an appearance, perhaps to plug his next work.
Sunday, September 21, 2008
Farewell, Yankee Stadium
Yankee Stadium go, and I'm sad I never got to see a game in a place
full of such rich baseball history.
That said, I hope the Orioles win tonight. Because I'm not just an
Orioles fan. I'm also a lifetime Yankee hater. (Other Yankee haters
around the world and in Boston will understand what I mean.)
update: The O's lost. This doesn't surprise me; they've been losing a lot this month, and there was really no way they were going to get to Mariano Rivera, just as there was really no way they Yankees were going to allow themselves to lose their final game at Yankee Stadium.
Sick of All the Republican Lying
Friday, September 19, 2008
It's Pronounced "Nu-Cle-ar"
Thursday, September 18, 2008
Hannah's First Joke
Tuesday, September 9, 2008
Dark Superman & Friends
Bob The Builder: After attending a rave thrown by Wendy’s party hearty sister Jenny, Scoop develops a substance abuse problem and crushes Bob's leg in a drug-induced rage. When the unrequited love of his life, Wendy, begins a torrid affair with Farmer Pickles, Bob tumbles down the rabbit hole of pain-killer addiction. Scarecrow Spud appears to have self-immolated while freebasing behind the barn, leaving behind only his charred turnip nose - but was his death just another in a string of drug-related accidents, or foul play? All of the evidence points to Travis the Tractor, but he’s not talking…