Google recently updated their analytics tools, making it easier to view your site information by the day, week, month, or year, so I decided to see how I've done since I started tracking the site traffic for the blog and for my work site, Here's what I've learned: for the period of 6/17/08 through yesterday, 12/9/08, has received 504 visits from 20 countries (458 of those from the U.S., which is no surprise), and from 175 cities. A big chunk of this traffic is due to my being on LinkedIn, and another, bigger chunk is from an ad I placed on entertainment industry site and its daily email newsletter, offering my services as a freelance writer. So, to the fine and discerning people from the entertainment centers of New York, Beverly Hills, Los Angeles, West Hollywood, Burbank, and here in Atlanta, who saw the Cynopsis ad and visited the site (some of you more than once, I can tell from the numbers) - thanks for checking me out. I'm currently available for writing, story editing, and producing work.
Traffic to the blog has also been brisk (for the personal blog of a non-famous person, anyway). For the period of 10/2/08 through 12/9/08, I've received 684 visits from 14 countries and 123 cities. That's 180 more visits to the blog than the website, in a little more than half the time since I've been tracking, but from fewer locations; the blog has had more repeat visitors, which makes sense, since it's updated more frequently than
Anyway, for my wife who likes these things, I've made a couple of composite maps which show my global reach. Here's the country map:

Here's the city composite map, showing hits from both the blog and the website:

That's enough procrastination for one day. Back to work.
Honey, this is fantastic. I beam with pride--you are listening when I go on and on about interpreting data!
Glad to see you have work. Or is that a "honey-do" list I see in your hands?
I have work, it's just not the paying kind at the moment. I consider it an investment in my future. I was supposed to be transcribing an interview that Will Payne and I shot at the end of October, and it's slow going. But almost done now.
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