Elliot Blake's Tumblr Photo Blog

Tuesday, November 27, 2007

Cleve-town Rocks!

It turns out that my seemingly bizarre instinct to call Cleveland "Cleve-town" isn't bizarre after all - it's perfectly natural. I did a little Googling, and came up with the following link:


It turns out Cleve-town isn't Cleveland's only nickname - according to the article in the link above, it's also referred to as "the Forest City, Metropolis of the Western Reserve, C-Town," and "America's North Coast."

All of those are fine, but me? I'm sticking with Cleve-town.

Monday, November 26, 2007

Thanksgiving in Cleve-Town

We spent Thanksgiving in Cleveland, Ohio, where my wife's mother and grandmother live. I have what can only be described as an irrational need to call Cleveland "Cleve-Town." It just seems like a natural nickname for the city, although I saw absolutely no evidence that anyone in Cleveland calls Cleveland "Cleve-Town." Neverthless, I am 100% certain that both Cleve-Town's hipsters and hip-hoppers do, in fact, call Cleve-Town "Cleve-Town." And if not, they should.


Friday, November 16, 2007

About the name of the blog....

I know, it's not very interesting. But I'm starting this thing two minutes before I have to leave to pick up my kids. I'll think of a better title.

It has begun...

What the world needs now? Another blog. This one from Elliot Blake.

I'm sure this will crack the internet in half.